While reading Tumblemoose, one of the writing blogs I follow, I noticed a reference to National Novel Writing Month. The blog entry was called “Time To Get Your NaNo On!”
Apparently every year, in November, aspiring writers decide they are going to write a 50,000 word novel in 30 days. The idea is to write and not edit your work just get the words down on paper.
I thought this might also work for those of us who are procrastinating about writing our family histories. Now I know a lot of detail needs to be included in the family history, especially sources, but this could be a way for us to get the words on the page without thinking about the size of the project. How many of us have a great family story that would make a good novel?
The main idea is to just stop and take time to write without getting caught up in the details. You can not start writing until November 1st but you can start writing outlines, develop characters and story ideas. From a family history point of view you can decide on the family to focus on, write out source lists, plan outlines of what you want to include in the book. Once November 1st rolls around then you can start writing. This would be roughly 1667 words a day.
Are you up for a challenge?
©2010 – Blair Archival Research
What about you, Ruth? Do you have a special project in mind for this month?
I heard about this a little late to plan a whole book. So I am going to write individual histories for several family groups. I think this would be a good start to writing the whole book.