On a regular basis I am going to share with you some of my favourite blog posts from other bloggers. They may not all be genealogy related but have some connection to the process of researching your family history.
Amy Coffin of “The We Tree Genealogy Blog” has a post called “If Genealogists Ran Hollywood.” It is a humourous look at the premise of what would happen if the theme of family history had an influence on the movie industry. I would really like to see “Genealogy Conference: The Movie.”
Marian Pierre-Louis of “Marian’s Roots and Rambles” takes a look at “The Top 3 Changes in Genealogy.” It is a thought provoking post that covers Awareness and Visibility, Education and Outreach, and Technology which includes Blogging, Facebook and Digitization.
George Angus of “Tumblemoose,” a blog about the writing process, has a post called “50 Books That Will Make You A Better Writer – Repost.” This is a good reference for those family historians who want to write, are getting ready to write or are in the process of writing their family history. He breaks the list down into Classics, Composition and Rhetoric, Genre and Medium, Literary Criticism, Reading, and Analysis and Notable Writers.
The National Library of Ireland have launched a new blog aptly name “NLI Blog.” Fiona Ross, Director of the NLI wrote the first posting. She weaves the past history of the library into the present and beyond into the future. The doors of the library opened for the first time in August 1877. They are celebrating 121 years of continuous service next month. There is a quote, at the end of the post, from a speech given by Dr. Edward Dowden on the opening day which is very poignant.
The blog “Planting the Seeds Genealogy as a Profession” by Michael Hait had an interesting post about the top five books on his bookshelf. He links to “Marian’s Roots and Rambles” and “Greta’s Genealogy Blog” who posted their own lists.
Chris Paton’s blog “Walking in Eternity” has a very heartfelt tribute entitled “Missionary man – David Macdonald Paton” telling the story of his experiences in China as a missionary for the Church Missionary Society.
“The Family Recorder” blog by Audrey Collins has an interesting post entitled “Work in the workhouse” where she looks at an advertisement she recently found for a firewood bundling machine.
Happy Reading!
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Thank you for the mention!
You are welcome Amy!