Ruth’s Recommendations

Here are my favourite blog posts from this past week.

The National Archives Blog had a post called “Dastardly Digital Dilemmas: 2) Shaping our tools” which looks at the way they organize their data both physically and digitally. He ends with a quote from Canadian Marshall McLuhan.

CanadaGenWeb’s Blog has a post called “Help save Library & Archives Canada!” The Conservative government’s budget cuts are decimating an already troubled Canadian institution. How they are going to survive and continue with their mandate is in question. They are already talking about discontinuing Inter-Library loans from LAC and this would stop the access to Canada’s historic records by anyone outside of the Capital.

The blog for Australia & New Zealand Inside History magazine has a post called “Another grave tale from the Klondike by Robin McLachlan” which looks at the life of Australian Norman Nicholas Graeber in the Klondike. Norman made an enormous lifestyle change going from Australia to Canada’s far north.

What were your favourite blog posts this past week?

Let me know in the comments below.

Other bloggers that write their own lists are:

Genea-Musings – Best of the Genea-Blogs

British & Irish Genealogy

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