The first half of this year has been very busy with speaking engagements. I speak locally and further afield at various libraries, genealogy and historical societies.
In February I did the last of my “Researching Your Ontario Ancestors” series at the Oakville Public Library. Then I presented an Irish Workshop at Heritage Mississauga which was so popular it was repeated in April.
In March I visited the Hamilton Branch of the Ontario Genealogical Society and presented “Taking Your Irish Ancestors Back Over the Pond.”
April I was back at Heritage Mississauga presenting “The Genealogy Top Ten Organization List” and “Five Things You Need to Know Before You Start Writing Your Family History.”

In May I presented the first in a series of two lectures entitled “Researching Your English and Welsh Ancestors” at the Oakville Public Library. The second part was presented in June.
It was back to Heritage Mississauga in June for my Scottish Workshop and it was a full house of eager genealogists which is always fun.
My next lectures start in the fall. In September there is a two part lecture series on Scottish Research at the Oakville Public Library and in October a First World War Workshop at Heritage Mississauga. In November I am presenting two lectures at the Waterdown & East Flamborough Heritage Society Book Fair.
As for 2016 I am already booked in March for a two part Irish lecture series at the Oakville Public Library and at Kingston Branch Ontario Genealogical Society for their March monthly meeting.
If you are looking for a speaker for one of your events you can contact me for details.
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