Are you ready for #RootsTech 2020!

Well now that RootsTech London has come to a successful finish it is time to start planning for RootsTech 2020 in Salt Lake City. This is the 10th anniversary of RootsTech. The theme is “Discover the story of you.”

I remember going to Salt Lake City in April 2010 for the NGS conference and found another conference being held a few days before so signed up at the door. It was called “Conference on Computerized Family History and Genealogy – Strengthening Ties That Bind Families Together Forever.” I still have the syllabus!

As I was leaving that conference on the last day I told the organizers this was a fantastic conference and I would love to see it again. Now I am not sure this was the first RootsTech. Someone who knows better might be able to enlighten me.

My first trip to RootsTech was in 2015. This was the year that RootsTech and FGS had conferences going on at the same time in Salt Lake City.

In 2016 I was a member of the Not At RootsTech group and we had a great time with the live streaming and chatting on Twitter. I made friends on Twitter that I have met in person and it has been fantastic. The Not At RootsTech crowd are just as spontaneous and excited as the RootsTech crowd.

The last few years I have had the honour to be a RootsTech Ambassador. This has provided me with a different view point of the conference. It has also allowed me to make many new friends that I meet at other conferences and chat to occasionally online. These are friends from around the globe not just North America. It used to be I had to write to pen pals to get friends around the world now I attend a conference and chat on social media.

If you have never been to RootsTech then 2020 could be the year to attend. Here are 10 Reasons to Attend RootsTech 2020.

RootsTech passes would be a great Christmas present for your family history enthusiast. You can register here.

In the last four years I have only missed one RootsTech in person and I am going again in 2020. I really hope to see a lot of you there. Who’s with me!

© 2019 Passionate Genealogist

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