Return of “Who Do You Think You Are?”
Remember on Friday 4 February 2011 at 8 pm on NBC the new season of “Who Do You Think You Are?” will begin with Vanessa Williams examining her family history.
Remember on Friday 4 February 2011 at 8 pm on NBC the new season of “Who Do You Think You Are?” will begin with Vanessa Williams examining her family history.
Did you enjoy watching Who Do You Think You Are this spring? If you liked the celebrity family histories but wished you could see family histories of ordinary people then The Generations Project is for you.
This is a project that follows ordinary people on their search for their family’s history. The episodes can be viewed online and are between fifty and sixty minutes long. They cover many different areas of research. The main idea is the story behind the search for your family history.
Why not check it out at The Generations Project.
©2010 – Blair Archival Research
I have watched the first two episodes of “Who Do You Think You Are?” and have been enjoying the program very much. These episodes have dealt with several important aspects of United States history which I found interesting and learned something new.
The shows for Sarah Jessica Parker and Emmitt Smith both focused on one family line. The British shows, more often than not, cover several family lines which can make the journey more inclusive.
Unfortunately with North American television there is the requirement of many commercial breaks. As a result the length of the program is shortened which does not allow for much leeway in the amount information they can cover in one hour.
There has been a lot of talk about wanting to hear the stories of ordinary people. Why do they have to use celebrities? One thing to remember is that whether Sarah Jessica Parker is an actress or a cashier her family history would still be the same.
What is more or less certain in relation to your family history is that you will learn about different countries while doing your research. In North America almost everyone comes from somewhere else. This series will introduce people to countries and their histories that they might not have previously known.
If you have a family connected to one of the places or events featured they may also provide you with new sources to research your own family history.
The ratings for the program have been good. If this keeps up would they possibly consider doing another season? I think that would be fantastic!
©2010 – Blair Archival Research